Artling Special Guest: MARK RYDEN

ARTLING Ospite Speciale: Mark Ryden

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©Copyright 2005 Ryden. All rights reserved.

Sulla soglia della settima porta…

e la grande fortuna si rivela come una sfera di luce in movimento,
al cui centro gira una moneta d'oro coperta di segni misteriosi,
che simboleggiano la legge della vita, secondo la quale soltanto
attraverso l'unione dei contrasti si può formare nuova vita.

una nuova brezza soffia sulla soglia della settima porta,
magiche memorie dalla soffitta della "puella nostalgia" …
Sì, siamo nel mondo possibile di Mark Ryden.
Ci sorride Lewis Carroll mentre attraversiamo
la porta-specchio, dove appare una scritta di Virgil Crow:

"La vita è una grande illusione".

Su un livello superiore tutti i contrasti sono soltanto
illusione "Maya",
oppure forme diverse della stessa energia di cambiamento.

Può apparire inquietante, minaccioso,
tutto ciò è sconosciuto misterioso,
ma il nostro cibo prelibato è il meraviglioso,
lo stupore delizioso di una nuova brezza…
Come essere improvvisamente consapevoli
del Gioco
Divino dei "Lila", gli strani infanti o bambole creati
dall'immaginaria, nostalgica e straordinaria
arte pittorica di Mark Ryden.

ed i tesori dell'infanzia sono nuovamente rivelati,
ma una nuova consapevolezza è nella loro presenza,
come giocattoli testimoni dell'immaginario inconscio collettivo.
Così nuove e così vecchie memorie, nei loro contrasti
mistici e carnali, si uniscono in alchimie
di simboli ed immagini esotericamente gioiose
ed ironicamente favolose…

Mark Ryden nato in Oregon nel 1963 è cresciuto nella California del Sud.
Illustra Copertine di riviste e libri (Bachman-Stephen King);
e cover di Band come Red Hot Chili Pepper, The Butthole Surfers, Michael Jachson (Dangerous),
Marmellata# 25 (Maggese)di Cesare Cremonini.
Dipinge i ritratti a personaggi famosi come Leo di Caprio, Christina Ricci…
Ryden è dagli anni '90, riconosciuto con successo dalla critica e dal pubblico dell'arte.

(Presentazione di Mauro Nobilini 17 agosto 2005)

Biography by Mark Ryden

Mark Ryden came to preeminence in the 1990's during a time when many artists, critics and collectors were quietly championing a return to the art of painting. With his masterful technique and disquieting content, Ryden quickly became one of the leaders of this movement on the West Coast.

Upon first glance Ryden's work seems to mirror the Surrealists' fascination with the subconscious and collective memories. However, Ryden transcends the initial Surrealists' strategies by consciously choosing subject matter loaded with cultural connotation. His dewy vixens, cuddly plush pets, alchemical symbols, religious emblems, primordial landscapes and slabs of meat challenge his audience not necessarily with their own oddity but with the introduction of their soothing cultural familiarity into unsettling circumstances.

Viewers are initially drawn in by the comforting beauty of Ryden's pop-culture references, then challenged by their circumstances, and finally transported to the artist's final intent - a world where creatures speak from a place of childlike honesty about the state of mankind and our relationships with ourselves, each other and our past.

Clearly infused with classical references, Ryden's work is not only inspired by recent history, but also the works of past masters. He counts among his influences Bosch, Bruegel and Ingres with generous nods to Bouguereau and Italian and Spanish religious painting.

Over the past decade, this marriage of accessibility, craftsmanship and technique with social relevance, emotional resonance and cultural reference has catapulted Ryden beyond his roots and to the attention of museums, critics and serious collectors.

To date, Ryden's work has been exhibited in museums and galleries worldwide, including a recent solo exhibition, Wondertoonel, at the Frye Museum of Art in Seattle and Pasadena Museum of California Art.

Mark Ryden was born in Medford Oregon. He received a BFA in 1987 from Art Center College of Design in Pasadena. He currently lives and works in Los Angeles where he paints slowly and happily amidst his countless collections of trinkets, statues, skeletons, books, paintings and antique toys.

Mark Ryden

Mostre personali e collettive - Exhibitions:

"Wondertoonel" Solo Exhibition, Pasadena Museum of California Art, Pasadena, California
"Au Pays de Merveilles" Galerie Magda Danysz, Paris, France

"Wondertoonel" Solo Exhibition, Frye Art Museum, Seattle, Washington
"Innocence Found" DFN Gallery, New York, New York
"100 Artists See Satan" Grand Central Art Center, Santa Ana, California
"Age of Aquarius" Copro-Nason Gallery, Culver City, California
"Modern Love" M Modern Gallery, Palm Springs, California
"From Your Valentine" Copro-Nason Gallery, Culver City, California
"Juxtapoz 10th Anniversary Group Show" 111 Minna Gallery, San Francisco, California

"Dark Fairytales" Roq La Rue Gallery, Seattle, Washington
"Blood" Earl McGrath Gallery, Los Angeles, California
"Insalta Mista" Mondo Bizzarro Gallery, Bologna, Italy
"Group Show" La Luz De Jesus Gallery, Los Angeles, California
"Raising the Brow" Earl McGrath Gallery, Los Angeles, California

"Hello" PressPop Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
"Gods and Monsters" Roq La Rue Gallery, Seattle, Washington
"Bunnies and Bees" Solo Exhibition, Grand Central Art Center, Santa Ana, California
"Group Show" La Luz De Jesus Gallery, Los Angeles, California
"Draw" Roq La Rue Gallery, Seattle, Washington
"Von Dutch an American Original" Northridge Art Galleries, Northridge, California

"Bunnies and Bees" Solo Exhibition, Earl McGrath Gallery, New York, New York
"Amalgamation" Solo Exhibition, Outre Gallery, Melbourne, Australia
"Representing LA, Pictorial Currents in Southern CA Arts" Frye Art Museum, Seattle, Washington
"Representing LA, Pictorial Currents in Southern CA Arts" Laguna Art Museum, Laguna California
"Group Show" La Luz De Jesus Gallery, Los Angeles, California

"Margaret Keane and Keaneabilia" Laguna Art Museum, Laguna Beach, California
"Luck of the Draw" La Luz de Jesus Gallery, Los Angeles, California
"Retrospective" Mendenhall Gallery, Pasadena, California
"Invitational III" La Luz de Jesus Gallery, Los Angeles, California
"Up From the Underground" Hollywood Arts & Culture Center, Hollywood, Florida

"Group Show" Copro-Nason Gallery, Culver City, California
"Six Forms of Love and Despair" Merry Karnowsky Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
"Tiki Group Show" Huntington Beach Arts Center, Huntington Beach, California
"Invitational II" La Luz de Jesus Gallery, Los Angeles, California

"The Meat Show" Solo Exhibition, Mendenhall Gallery, Pasadena, California
"KittensÕnÕKads" Merry Karnowsky Gallery, Los Angeles, California
"Custom II" Acme Gallery, San Francisco, California
"No Red Ribbons" Julie Rico Gallery, Santa Monica, California
"Tribute to La Luz de Jesus" Track 16 Gallery, Los Angeles, California
"Group Show" La Luz de Jesus Gallery, Los Angeles, California

"Calivera Kustom" Merry Karnowsky Gallery, Los Angeles, California
"The Secret Society of Dog Art" Random Gallery, Los Angeles, California

"21st Century Tiki" La Luz de Jesus Gallery, Los Angeles, California

"Side Show" Tamara Bane Gallery, Los Angeles, California

ARTLING: Ospite Speciale > Mark Ryden
pitture ad olio su tela

©Copyright 2005 Ryden
Tutti i diritti sono riservati.

Mark Ryden
Porterhouse Fine Art Editions
4734 Eagle Rock Boulevard, #1188
Los Angeles, CA 90041

ph: 323-255-8855
fax: 323-255-8811

If you would like to know more about the Artist, mentioned paintings, upcoming exhibitions, please send mail

Mark Ryden
è un'artista che attualmente
vive e lavora a Los Angeles
Per ulteriori informazioni riguardanti l'Artista, le
opere esposte e le future esposizioni, si prega di
spedire un e-mail


ARTLING:Special Guest >Mark Ryden

©Copyright 2005 Mark Ryden . All rights reserved.
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