Artling Special Guest: HELENE KNOOP

ARTLING Ospite Speciale: Helene Knoop

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©Copyright 2005 Helene Knoop

Il segreto della vita
nell'eterno femminile, la Donna, la Madre, la Venere
come la terra materna che nutre, la saggezza femminile
come anima del mondo.
Regina delle forze animiche, inconsce, è la fata gentile
dei luoghi naturali, l'irata fata/strega furiosa,
la maga saggia, la "hu li ching" o spirito volpe,
la veggente che penetra i segreti delle forme e dei colori arcaici.
Questa è la pittura dai colori antichi dell'artista norvegese Helene Knoop,
le radici della sua abilità sono nascoste, lei è l'eterna misteriosa
che rivela la sua arte soltanto in semplici immagini oscure, di un realismo
senza tempo, e in oracoli come la Sfinge, in un rapporto di vicinanza
delicata e amorosa.
Queste sono le eterne donne sagge della Knoop, imperscrutabili, seducenti,
rivelatrici di sentimenti profondi, nascosti, che ci affascinano
e ci confondono allo stesso tempo.

(Presentazione di Mauro Nobilini 3 febbraio 2005)

The secret of the life in the feminine eternal,
the Woman, the Mother, the Venus like the maternal earth that feeds,
the feminine wisdom like the spirit of the world.
Queen of the animist, unconscious forces,
is the kind fairy of the natural places,
angry and furios fairy/witch, the wise wizard, "hu li ching"
or vixen spirit, the seer that penetrates the secrets
of the shapes and the arcaic colors.
This is the painting with the antique colors
of the Norwegian artist Helene Knoop,
the roots of its ability are hidden,
she is the mysterious eternal
who only reveals her art in simple dark images,
of a realism without time, and in oracles like the Sphinx,
a relationship of delicate and loving vicinity.
These are the eternal wise women of Knoop,
impenetrable, seducing, revealing hidden deep feelings,
that fascinate us and confuse us at the same time.

(Presentation by Mauro Nobilini 3 February 2005)

Helene Knoop Sejnæs
pittrice norvegese nata il 26.11.1979 a Drøbak, Norway.

Helene Knoop Sejnæs
norwegian paintress born: 26.11.1979 Drøbak, Norway.

" In kitsch time seize to exist, and eternity takes over "
Odd Nerdrum


*10th of November ,Helene Knoop is opening her solo-exhibiting ,
20 new paintings at prestigious Åmells Gallery in London.
A catalogue has been made in connection with the show. Here, Prof. Dr.
Jan-Erik Ebbestad Hansen at the University of Oslo has written the

" The same orientation toward what is human can be found in
her large figurative compositions where she brings the
viewer into a mythic world and tells the timeless story
of the various male stages of life (Manhood and Before
the Thunderstorm), and the struggle between man and
woman (The Wedding or Hunting Grounds). These are
myths in the sense that she communicates basic human.
conditions regardless of time and place. But simultaneously,
and this is a characteristic of her work, her paintings
reflect a longing for a different and better world"

The exhibition opens at Åmells on Thursday 10 November and runs until
the 25th of November.

Åmells London -4 Ryder Street -St James's -London SW1Y 6QB
Thursday 10 November 6-8pm -11-25 November 10am-6pm -Closed Saturdays
more information, contact Åmells Gallery on 020 7925 2759 or email -Fax: +44 (0)20 7321 0210



Upcoming Exhibitions:
Solo exhibition at Åmells Gallery , London,England
10 th-25 Nov. 2005

Solo Exhibition at Trygve Lie Gallery, New York,
U.S.A. 2006

Solo Exhibitions:
Galleri Brevik, Tromsø 2004
Holmenkollen Park Hotel, Oslo 2003
Grev Wedels Plass Auksjoner, Oslo 2003
Galleri Havstad, Drøbak 2002

Other Exhibitions:
Theme exhibition at Mimers House, Kungalv,
Sweden 07.03 - 03.04.2005
Annual exhibition at Haus der
Kunst, Munchen,Germany 17.03 - 17.04.2005
The Kitsh Annual, Staven, Norway 2004 og2005
Anne Grimdalens Museum, Telemark, Norway 2005
Telemark Museum, Skien 2004
Solli Brug, Sarpsborg 2003
Gjøvik kunstforening 2003
Haugar, Vestfold kunstmuseum 2002
Karmøyutstillingen 2002
Larvik Kunstforening, Larvik 2002, 2001 og 2000
Galleri KS, Tønsberg 2002 og 2001
Raugland Gård, Stavern 2002 og 2001
Galleri Tonne, Oslo 2002 og 2001
Telemark Fylkesgalleri, Notodden 2000

ARTLING Ospite Speciale > Helene Knoop

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ARTLING:Special Guest >Helene Knoop

©Copyright © Helene Knoop All rights reserved

New Sito web:

Sito web Theme exhibition at Mimers House, Kungalv:

Vest Telemark Museum Norway:

ARTLING Ospite Speciale: Helene Knoop

Next upcoming exhibition in New York:”Déjà-vu”
Opening at Trygve Lie Gallery the 18th of January 2007

Nei mesi di febbraio ed aprile 2007
Helene Knoop trasferisce il suo studio a Roma



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